Motion Capture film

A 3D animated short film about two girls setting on an adventure to explore a prohibited territory only to encounter something they never expected to see. The scenario is set in a Mayan Civilization.

We were a group of 10 artists working on this film using Motion Capture and keyframe animations with Maya, Blade, Motion Builder and Photoshop for pre and post production.

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Created concept art and story board using Photoshop which was later used to create the Animatic
  • Worked on capturing the motion using Blade and Optical Motion Capture Marker system
  • Cleaned up the motion capture data using Blade software to prevent any issues while applying motions to the 3D character.
  • Worked on keyframing the animations such as fingers, eyes and lips which could not be captured using motion capture.
  • For the character models, I created the hair system for both the characters using Hair Dynamics in Maya and tweaked the dynamics to make it look more realistic and human-like.
  • Developed and modeled assets for the environment and added details like fog, dust and flames.

Modeled the main statue of Mayan God, Kulkan.

Created hair dynamics for the models. We later decided to not use hair simulations to save time and processing power.

I also worked on the environment art and created the trees, bushes, torches and firepit. I used paint brushes in Maya to create these as they take less time to render.

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